Monday, November 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Mama!

Here I am in the new house, wearing Grandpa's ear protectors.
"Happy Birthday!"

Saturday, November 1, 2008

"Trick or Treat?!"

We went "trick or treating" with some friends. Versii was a "sock monkey" and Kaden was "Bumble Bee the transformer" - This is the only time that he actually wore his mask, all night.
We saw this in someone's driveway...and when Kaden saw it he said, "Someone got runned over! We have to call an ambulance. That man needs help!"Above: Kaden and his friend Megan on their way to the next house. Kaden just "loves Megan", as he says. He had a blast trick or treating! He practically ran from house to house and was almost always the first person at the door, yelling "Trick or Treat!"

Pride Tickets

These are the green "Pride Tickets" they give out at school. If you're doing a good job or you're being quiet or whatever, then you might receive a pride ticket. The kids are supposed to put their names on them and turn them in to a can in the class room, where they draw names out sometimes and give them a special privilage. But Kaden's always bringing them home...he said, "I want to fill up the whole house with pride tickets, until it explodes!"

Sunday Love

Here are the boys on Sunday.

We had Stake Conference and Kaden said, "Next week I want to go to my other church. This one was not fun."