Sunday, March 15, 2009

Our Little Monkey at the Zoo

Friday we went to the zoo. Kaden didn't have school Thursday or Friday because of Parent/Teacher conferences.
Playing on the tractor.
This pictures dark, but he was having a lot of fun running back and forth in the loft of the Zoo's barn.
Our little cowboy.

The boys had so much fun watching the polar bear.

Kaden playing in the bear cave.
"All these bears are taller than me!"

Snack time.

Spinning the big fish.
Monkey see. Monkey Do.

Kaden loved watching the bats too! He has a book that talks about bats, so it was fun to see them in real life.

Goofy Goggle Boy

We got the boys goggles that they could wear in the bath. They end up playing with them more than they wear them. But they have fun!

Kaden's Artwork & Writing

Kaden drew this picture at school. "I wint on the plene ol pi mi self."
He's very in to writing his whole name, although we need to teach him how to spell Michael.
Another picture that he drew at school. "Me and Alex and Rich playeg lago stor wrs."
He loves to play Lego Star Wars on the XBox. But he really loves to play it as make belief on the playground at school with his two best friends. One of his friends, Rich, is in a special reading group with Kaden at school. Both of them read at above grade level.

This is what Kaden wrote and drew at our Primary PJ'S Party. It was last saturday and PJ'S stood for "P"rayer, "J"ournal and "S"criptures. This is the first page of the journal he made. Notice that when he grows up he wants to be "bad." And I love the little muscle he drew!