Monday, August 24, 2009

Oaks Park - Summer Reading Reward

Kaden and the boys were part of the summer reading program at the library this summer. As part of completing the program, Kaden got to pick 2 new books from the library and he got a T-shirt and a discounted coupon to go to Oaks Park Amusement Park. One of the books he choose was "Ralph S. Mouse" --When we got to the car, he openned it up and said, "Mommy, this book is just black and white and doesn't have any pictures...and it's 160 pages long!"
Here's Kaden being a good big brother and riding the motorcycles just so Versii wouldn't have to ride them alone.

He rode the Frog Hopper 4 times in a row. He'd get off and just run back into the line to get on again.

Kaden riding the roller coaster all by himself. He loved it! And said, "It was a little scary too!"

After Oaks Park, we went to Old Spaghetti Factory for dinner and a balloon guy made Kaden and Versii each balloon Spidermen.

Road Trip with Daddy

Kaden and Josh went out on a little roap trip for a few days. And I wanted to post the pictures of Kaden, but they were taken on our camera and it is currently MIA at the moment.
They went to a lighthouse, somewhere in the Redwood forest, swimming, and to the Oregon Caves and saw Paul Bunyon along the way.

(The pictures have been found and are posted below.)

Beacon Rock, Washington Campout

Kaden and Versii have been out camping with Daddy a lot this summer. This trip was in Washington, up at Beacon Rock.

Versii is trying to make a funny face, like Kaden.
Throwing rocks into the water.

Kathy's Wedding Reception

Here's Kaden at my cousin, Kathy's, wedding reception.
At the end of the reception, they put on some "beat box" music and Kaden jumped up on stage and danced his little heart out.
(The other boys he's dancing with are my cousin Maryann's boys, Allen (8) and Sean (4)

"I want to be a missionary now"

The last few Sundays, Kaden has been asking to look like a missionary.

Picture Package

Kaden had a lot of fun looking at the pictures from the trip.
(Unfortunetly, his hair looks a little crazy.)

Swim Grad!