Sunday, February 14, 2010

Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum

January 23, 2010 -
We took the boys to the Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum. They had a great time. And we got a bunch of great pictures.

Here are the boys standing in front of the Spruce Goose.

Inside the Spruce Goose.

(Going up into the cockpit.)

In the cockpit of the "Spruce Goose."

"Oooooh I look good!"

Inside the bomber.

Cadet Kaden reporting for duty. He loves to wear his camo gear.

A pilot in training.

Kaden testing out his strength! Pushing the rocket.

"Look real moon rocks! Awesome!"

Before we even got to the car, Kaden already wanted to go back!

Snow-filled Saturday

January 2nd -
Daddy and Grandpa took Kaden up to the mountain, along with some family friends, and spent the day sledding!

December / Christmas 2009

"Good Morning!"

...Just after decorating the Christmas tree!

Our Lil' Kung Fu Master!

Christmas with Kaden!
Santa came early since he spent Christmas in Arizona and Colorado with Mama.

November 2009

Nov. 16th - Kaden loves this Luigi costume so much that he continued to wear in during November and December.

Nov. 22nd - This is Kaden's attempt to pack his things to go see Mama at Christmas! He was so excited, he started packing early. So funny!

Nov. 25th - Playing a super hero in his batman cape! "Caption Kado to the rescue!"

October 2009

Kaden - October 2nd -
His teacher Mr. Hess said that he was "quite the ladies' man."

Left: October 27th -
Kaden getting ready to go to Kung Fu class. His friend Rich is in the same class with him and they practice together at recess.
Right: Oct. 30th -
This is Kaden's fish he painted during their studies about fish.

Happy Halloween - Oct. 31st, 2009 -
Kaden went as his favorite Nintendo character, Luigi. He has worn this costume almost every day since Halloween.