Sunday, June 6, 2010

I lost my 1st Tooth!

Kaden lost his 1st tooth this morning.
A few days ago he says to me,
"My tooth is really wiggly! I bet if I just chomp on an apple it will come right out! So whenever I want it out I'm just gonna chomp on an apple."
Well, he tried chomping on an apple and "it hurts, it hurts!" This morning he said he refused to eat breakfast until his tooth was out. So I convinced him to tie floss around his tooth to pull it out. But once we got the floss on, he didn't want to go through with it. I told him it's like ripping a bandaid off and there you go. I just pulled real quick and it came right out! Kaden said, "It just hurt for like, a second!"
"Now we gotta go put it under my pillow!"
"The Tooth Fairy's gonna bring me lots of money at midnight!"

The times they are a changing...

According to Kaden...

"...I don't like Mario anymore. I just only like Indiana Jones and Star Wars!"

What? Since when? It's so funny how he'll love something forever and then one day later...not so much!