Saturday, January 22, 2011

I Love My D.S. & My Fish

This is my fish "Munch."
We used to have two fish, "Crunch" and "Munch", but Crunch got crunched with a rock.

December 30, 2010 - Here I am playing my D.S. ---Look I lost both my front teeth!

Camping at Silver Falls State Park

December 26-27, 2010 - Camping at Silver Falls State Park in Sublimity, Oregon with the family. It rained the whole time, but the kids had a great time running and jumping in the huge puddles outside.

Kaden dancing on the bed!

Christmas Day 2010

Santa brought me a Nintendo D.S. in a Super Mario case! Yes!

Thanks Gammey & Papa and Mazie for my giant peppermint stick, Hero Factory guy, my camo gloves and shirt. I love them!

Thanks Mama & Dane for my Lego Star Wars, army guys and Nintendo game.
I traded it for the new Super Mario 64! I love it sooooo much! Thank you!

Kaden busy playing D.S.

Here's Kaden with his Hero Factory "Corrosive Corroder" guy all built.

The boys got light stick/flashlights in their stocking and they had a great time playing in the dark.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Great Wolf Lodge

December 15, 2010
We took the boys up to the Great Wolf Lodge in Grand Mound, Washington.
The Great Wolf Lodge is an indoor water park resort. For the safety of the camera, we do not have any photos inside the water park, but Kaden went down all the water slides and had a great time in the wave pool!

Pre-Christmas Fun

December 4, 2010
We attended Come to Bethlehem at the church.
We all dressed up!

The boys made paperbag Reindeer. Kaden's reindeer had to be named, "Kado."

And the boys helped decorate gingerbread houses!
They had a great time eating the candy off, but it turns out that none of them like gingerbread.

Fingerpainting Fun

November 20th, 2010
Here's Kaden painting a picture for his Mama.

Happy Halloween Batman!

October 31st, 2010
Kaden wanted to be Batman for Halloween this year.
He decided/designed it all by himself. He said, "I'm gonna wear my black thermals, gray batman shirt and my Batman cape." And I made him a Batman headband. He's worn that costume sometimes daily. He still randomly puts in on to play.

Solving the Case of the Missing Coat

October 25, 2010
Kaden has a really hard time keeping track of his coat while he's in school. I can't count the amount of times we've had to visit the Lost & Found looking for his coat. Sometimes we find it, and sometimes we don't. So we decided to sew his name to his fleece...And it worked! He loves it soooo much he has not lost it once!

First Day of the 2nd Grade

As you can see, Kaden was very excited to start back to school.
His teacher this year is Mr. Goff.
And it's a 2nd/3rd Grade classroom. Which makes it easier for Kaden to work at more advanced levels if needed. He loves Mr. Goff and says, "He's strict, but really funny."