Monday, May 23, 2011

Thank Gammey & Papa!

Thanks Gammey & Papa for the card and money!
I got it in the mail today!
I'm so excited, I'm gonna save my money! When I saw you what you were gonna do if I saved my money, I said, "No way! I don't believe it!"

Happy Birthday to my brother Versii!

Happy 4th Birthday to my little brother Versii!

Inflatable Kingdom

May 21, 2011 - We took the boys to Inflatable Kingdom for their birthdays!
They love going there and they always have a blast!

Versii & Kaden standing in front of their favorite slide. The Fire Truck slide is the tallest slide. They just kept climbing up, sliding down & running around to do it all over again. They never stopped, except for long enough to take this picture.
And what's nice is that there were only 4 other people there.
Kaden's such a sweet big brother. He helped Paxton go down the first time. He was a little hesitant when he got to the top.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Presents & Packages

Left: Kaden & his friend Carter.
Right: Versii, Kaden, Carter & Anja.
Kaden opening his package from Mama while she's on the phone.
Boxer briefs are his favorite kind of underwear! Thanks!
Mario & Luigi pajamas! Yes! And new chapter books!
Thanks Mama & Dane!
Opening the package from Mazie, Gammey & Papa.
Thanks for my new Cub Scout hat, scarf & slider!
Card & money from G.G. and Papa Western.
"Ooh, $5, that's going straight in my piggy bank!"
Thank you!

After-School Birthday Fun

Kaden wanted to open one present after school and play in the water.
Batman walkie-talkies! Yes!
Kaden and Versii testing them out.

Kaden's friends Carter, Anja and Fisher came over to play.
He was really excited because he had been hoping to hang out with Carter for his birthday.
After Kaden finished playing in the kiddie pool, he went in to change out of his wet clothes. But when he came out to ask if he could play Xbox, this is what I see. (pictured on left) Kaden chose to change out of all his wet clothes, except his underwear. And he says to me laughing, "I know, it looks like I peed my pants."

Cupcakes in Class

Here's Kaden clowning around after they had him come up to the front to sing Happy Birthday to him.
Eating his specially requested "red velvet" cupcakes!

Here's a picture of the picture of Kaden on display in the hall for "excellence in learning."

Happy 8th Birthday Kaden!

Happy 8th Birthday!
May 20, 2011
Kaden riding his new Birthday bike in the driveway, before leaving for school.
(He actually got it a few days ago, as we let him pick it out himself.)
He was also extra excited that today will have a high temperature of 77 degrees!
"Yes! Just for my birthday! Awesome!"
He said, "When you take my picture I'm going to ride one handed and put my other hand up and say 'Peace'."
When it's not raining, we usually walk. But Kaden was so excited about it being his birthday, that he desperately wanted to ride his new bike.
Waiving good-bye, just before walking into school for the day.
We'll be bringing birthday cupcakes to share with his school class this afternoon. Kaden made a special request for "red velvet" cupcakes! They are delicious!
After school, we will get the pool out and play in the water! Kaden loves that!
For Birthday dinner: Kaden requested steak, spaghetti and watermelon.
For Birthday dessert: Brownies
After dinner he'll open his presents!
And tomorrow we'll be going to Inflatable Kingdom for the boys birthdays!
(More birthday picture to come later.)

Birthday Measurements: Kaden is 50.875 inches tall and now weighs 56 lbs.
He's grown 1 and 3/4 inches this past year!

May 14, 2011

Kaden just playing around!

Ducky Drumming

May 10, 2011 - Playing with the neighbors ducks and Kaden pretending to play the drums.