Monday, August 6, 2012

BBQ with Chris

May 28, 2012 - On our way to a BBQ at my brother's house, we took the boys to ride the train at the mall.  They always love it!

 Protecting the tree fort with their cousin Chris.

 And enjoying a little whipped cream straight from the can. :)

Kaden's 9th Birthday Packages!

Kaden opening his package from Mama & Dane and Grandpa & Grandma Snover.

Opening his package from Gammey & Papa.

And opening his package from GG & Papa Western.
Thanks everyone, he loved everything!

Happy 9th Birthday!

May 20, 2012 - Kaden's 9th Birthday!
Kaden opening his birthday packages from Mama & Dane; Grandma & Grandpa Snover; Gammey,Papa & Mazie and from Papa & G.G.  Thank you everyone! 

 We had a birthday celebration for all the boys together this year, on Kaden's birthday.  Here they are opening their presents.  Beyblades, beyblades, and more beyblades!  It's a very Bey Birthday!
 Battling the beyblades!
And of course, the boys picked out the Avengers cake!

Every year on Kaden's birthday we measure him.
This year he grew 2 and 7/8" taller!
That makes him 4 foot 5 and 3/4 inches tall!