Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Day

 December 25, 2012 - Christmas Morning.
 Kaden opening his gift from Santa...Super Mario 2 for the 3DS!

 Grandma and Grandpa gave the boys a Lego figure set and play dough.
 We got the boys a Halo building set.
 And Kaden really wanted boxer briefs for Christmas.
 Opening gifts from Mama and Dane.

 Halo sets!
Kaden loves Halo!


 ...And a remote control car!  He loves it!
 Grandma and Grandpa Snover gave him a Doodling Book.

 Kaden playing with his new car.
 And working on his Halo building sets.
 Kaden's new cowboy hat, from Gammey and Papa.

 ...And his new calendar from GG and Papa.
 Great Grandma Black gave him 2 new sets of markers, a set of colored pencils and a Monstaz stuffed animal - which he really really wanted!
And his Great Aunt Gail gave the boys a Spy set.
Kaden really made out this year!  
He's a lucky kid to have so much family that loves him!

Christmas Eve

 December 24, 2012 - Christmas Eve...
 We let the boys open their new pajamas.
 Kaden really badly wanted "footy" pajamas!

And we let them open Halo 4.  They were really excited!

Early Christmas

 December 23, 2012 - We let the boys open an early Christmas gift from Grandma and Grandpa.  A Lego organizer.  They love having their Legos all organized so they can find everything.

To Grandmother's House We Go

December 23, 2012 
Great Grandma gave each of the boys a hat she knitted.
They love them!

Temple Square Lights

 December 23, 2012 - On our way to a Christmas Party we stopped at Temple Square to see the lights.

Ward Christmas Party

 December 22, 2012 - Kaden played one of the wise men in the Nativity at our Ward Christmas party.

Our Castle Fort

 December 20, 2012 - We built a huge cardboard fort down in the basement.  The boys call it the "Castle Fort."
 Kaden drew an Angry Birds mural inside.
Decorating the inside of the fort.

Jefferson Winter Program

December 14, 2012 - Kaden's Winter Music Program

Kaden and class singing a song about Utah.
Kaden singing Hip Hop Reindeer.

Crazy Hair Day!

December 13, 2012 - "Crazy Hair Day" for Spirit week.


 December 10, 2012 - Kaden asked to make cupcakes for FHE.
So we let them decorate their own.

Enjoying his masterpiece.