Saturday, July 6, 2013

"Da Worm"

July 4, 2013
Kaden showing me how he does the worm...or "Da Worm" as he calls it.  He asked specifically that we put the Mario song in the background, "Cause Mazie and I both love it!"

Happy 4th!

 July 4, 2013
Kaden's big plans for 4th of July were to play video games "all day long" and do fireworks!  He did get to play video games a few times throughout the day and he did get to watch a lot of fireworks.
 "The Battle at Plastic Flats."
Kaden's little brother Versii is not a fan of the noise.
 Beautiful fountain!
Kaden and Paxton with our neighbors Linden and Mason. 

Enchanted Forest

 July 1, 2013
We drove out to Enchanted Forest to meet Kaden's cousins, Adrienne, Renae and her daughter Rainey, who were in town visiting from Alaska.
"There was a crooked man"
 The hug.
 Height has it's advantage.
Kaden is tall enough to drive his own bumper car.
Kiddie ride are still fun too!
 Kaden getting ready to brave the haunted house.
When he came out, he exclaimed, "There's a difference between a scream of terror and a yell in horror!"
 One with nature.
 Riding the bobsleds.
 Kaden rode the log ride twice.
 ...And the 2 time he got soaked!
Here's a little stop motion clip from Kaden's ride.

 The boys with their cousin Rainey.
When we went in the General Store Kaden saw this wooden gun and didn't want to leave without it!  He wanted it so badly, he was willing to spend his own money on it.  He said, "I've never seen one like this before!  And it has a strap!  I have to have it!"  So here he is with his newest and coolest gun!