Sunday, June 8, 2014

5th Grade Grad

 June 2, 2014
Kaden's 5th Grade Graduation:
He's planning on attending BYU some day to become an artist.
 Receiving his 5th Grade diploma from his teacher.
 Kaden and his teacher, Mr. Marsh.
Kaden and his friend Arthur.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Head Wound

 May 21, 2014
The day after Kaden's birthday, I received a phone call home from the school nurse.  They told me Kaden had been hit in the head during recess and would need a new shirt. 
I rushed down to the school and Kaden was in good spirits.

---Apparently, a swing had gotten stuck up over the bar and another kid had decided it might be a good idea to try and knock it down with a plastic hockey stick.  He threw the stick at the swing and when it hit, the part that hits the puck, broke off and flew right into Kaden's head.  Kaden says that he didn't even realize he had been hit at first, but he heard a boom and ringing in his ears.  And then he saw the blood!  He said that he was "worried he'd have to go to the hospital with all that blood loss".  
They showed me the piece of hockey stick that hit him, it was a thick yellow boomerang shape, that looked kind of like a banana.  We joked that Kaden got hit in the head with a giant banana.  Kaden laughed.  ---I decided to run him down to the doctor's office, since our doctor also doubles as an urgent care, just to be safe.  He did not need stitches, but they did cut the hair around the wound, cleaned it with iodine and glued it closed.  Kaden said the "worst part was the iodine.  It stung."  And he needed one last shot before starting the 6th grade, so while we were there the pour guy had to get a shot.  He said it didn't hurt as bad as he thought it would.  

*As of today, June 7th, the wound is almost completely healed and he just has a little bald spot left.

Celebrating 11 Years!

 May 20, 2014
Kaden started off his birthday morning playing the new pocket edition Minecraft and then taking a tour of the new middle school, he'll be attending next year.  
 The school has 2 gyms:  The "Wood Gym" appropriately named because of the wood floor...
 ...and the "Rubber Gym" because of the rubber floor.
The Gym Locker Room:
 One thing that Kaden is not looking forward to is dressing down for P.E.  He'll have to wear a uniform shirt and shorts.  He'll go to P.E. every other day.  And he'll have a combination lock code that's special to his P.E. Locker.
 The Sixth Grade Hallway.  Most of his classes will be held down this hall.
 The Library.

 His facial expression pretty much sums up his excitement for middle school.  Besides the dressing down in P.E., he has expressed concern about an increased homework load and he's worried about managing work from multiple teachers.
 The Commons.
 Learning how to use a combination lock.  
Kaden will have to remember his main locker combo, as well as the gym lock.  
Just outside the school we saw a deer. 
Kaden was excited to take a picture of it.
 After school, he opened his package from Mama and Dane!
 Thanks Mama and Dane for the clothes, shoes, game and gum!
(He ate an entire pack of gum in one evening.)
Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Snover for the money and cow bank!
For his birthday dinner Kaden requested french toast and brownies as his birthday dessert!
Kaden with his brothers and his friend Nate.
After dinner, Kaden wanted to go to the school talent show.
 Thanks to Gammey and Papa for his new scout shirt and handbook.  He's excited to join the 11 year old scouts!
 Thanks to Uncle Rolley for his new shirt!
Kaden says, "It is so me!  Except for the dog and the sister, but other than that!"
---FYI: He's so in love with it, that he actually dug it out of the dirty clothes with a big dirt splotch on front, to wear it a second day in a row.
Thanks G.G. and Papa Western for the nice card!
Keeping with tradition:  On his birthday Kaden officially measured in at 4' 10.5" inches tall and weighed 72 pounds.
He's grown 2 and a half inches this past year.
And he wears a size 6 boys shoe!  His feet are as big as mine!