Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Kaden and Versii got this pedal car to share. Kaden was really excited to see it on Christmas morning!
Ben 10 wrist watch thing...Kaden asked Santa to bring this to him and he got it!

Below is Kaden's cousins, Austin, Ashlyn and Versii on the end. They were here in Oregon visiting for a few weeks.

Monday, December 22, 2008

"I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas..."

Kaden wanted snow and he got snow.  It's been snowing here since last Sunday.  Last Sunday they sent us home early from church since it was snowing and this Sunday they cancelled church entirely.  And Kaden only had school on Tuesday and Thursday last week.  

He's been out to play in the snow a few times.  Unfortunely, this snow was not so great for making a snowman, but he still enjoyed it.  I think that he'll definitely get his fill of snow now.  The weather forecast shows snow through Christmas.

Jump Jump Kaden!

Here are some pictures of Kaden and Versii playing with some remote control Speedracer cars.  Versii's operating the car and Kaden is trying to jump over it.  

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Portland Oregon Temple

Here are some of the pictures of the boys, in the atrium, at the Portland Oregon Temple after our sealing on Friday. Our friend Steve took the photographs for us. He took some really great shots of the boys.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Mama!

Here I am in the new house, wearing Grandpa's ear protectors.
"Happy Birthday!"

Saturday, November 1, 2008

"Trick or Treat?!"

We went "trick or treating" with some friends. Versii was a "sock monkey" and Kaden was "Bumble Bee the transformer" - This is the only time that he actually wore his mask, all night.
We saw this in someone's driveway...and when Kaden saw it he said, "Someone got runned over! We have to call an ambulance. That man needs help!"Above: Kaden and his friend Megan on their way to the next house. Kaden just "loves Megan", as he says. He had a blast trick or treating! He practically ran from house to house and was almost always the first person at the door, yelling "Trick or Treat!"

Pride Tickets

These are the green "Pride Tickets" they give out at school. If you're doing a good job or you're being quiet or whatever, then you might receive a pride ticket. The kids are supposed to put their names on them and turn them in to a can in the class room, where they draw names out sometimes and give them a special privilage. But Kaden's always bringing them home...he said, "I want to fill up the whole house with pride tickets, until it explodes!"

Sunday Love

Here are the boys on Sunday.

We had Stake Conference and Kaden said, "Next week I want to go to my other church. This one was not fun."

Sunday, October 19, 2008

1st Field Trip

Kaden's 1st "Field Trip" at school, was the Pumpkin Patch at Sauvie Island. They got to go in a corn maze and on a hay ride. Plus they each picked a pumpkin to take home. Kaden had so much fun! He was so excited that he finally got to ride a yellow school bus! You'll have to ask Kaden all about his trip to the Pumpkin Patch...he tells me something different every time he talks about it.
Above: ...This is the face you get when you say, "Smile."
Below: ...This is obviously a more sincere smile. If he's posing for a picture, you can get this by telling him a joke. But the funny part is, all I said was, "Why did the chicken cross the road?" ---And he just bent over with giggles. So funny!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Camping Trip with Daddy

Here's Kaden getting supplies ready to go camping. He was soooo excited!

Daddy took Kaden and Versii camping last night. And they had lots of fun!

Dinner: Hot dogs roasted on sticks, trail mix, and roasted marshmallows. Yum! Versii thought his trail mix might taste better with dirt on top.


These pictures are from early this morning, when Versii decided it was time to wake up. The boys love those little powdered donuts.

Kaden had a blast! He wants to go camping again. But according to Kaden, campfire smells gross!

Friday, October 10, 2008

My School Days

Wednesday was National Walk+Bike to school day. We walked to school. Most days we walk to school, unless it's raining. Because we walked to school and he walked home, Kaden got a sticker and a shoelace. He was very excited!

Here's the latest picture Kaden drew at school. Just in case you can't read his story on the bottom:
"My story is about a time when I was upside-down in a booby-trap. Some Monsters put me far, far, far away to Monster World. The Monsters took me and my brother. Luckily, we had a key to get out. I unlocked the side to get out because I like my brother."
So funny! Kaden has such an active imagination! Sometimes I wonder where he comes up with these stories.
Also, yesterday when I picked Kaden up from school, he raised his hand to tell the teacher that his "grown-up" is here and when he was dismissed he ran over to me and then ran back to hug his teacher. He's really enjoying school, but he enjoys his days off too.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My First Talk

This Sunday was the Primary Program. And Kaden was assigned to give a talk. He did such a good job, when it was his turn to get up and speak, he got right up and walked quickly to the podium and read his talk so well. Everyone said they couldn't believe how well he read his talk. And then, later in primary, he was picked to say the closing prayer, because he was being so reverent. And apparently he went, "Yes!" and did an arm motion. He had a pretty exciting day!

Friday, September 26, 2008

My Artwork

"Kaden got hurt by a little thorn, but he was fine."
--Originally, he said that he got pricked by a big thorn, but he was just fine.

"Kaden got hurt by a big thorn and he was crying. And Versii got hit by a ball on his face. And James got hit by a ball on his face."

--This is the artwork Kaden brought home from school. He told me what to type about the pictures. His story changes each time he talks about them. --"And that's the end." He says.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

First Homework Assignment

Here's Kaden 1st Homework assignment, sent home this Friday. He worked on it today.
And here is his first progress report.

He had a great first week of school. He said, "My teacher wrote my name on a paper and then put glue, and I glued beans to it." --I haven't seen it yet, but he was pretty excited about it. Kaden's "TA Day" is on September 30th. That means he'll be the Teacher's Assistant all day long. And he'll get to share something about himself that day too. He ate hot lunch at school all week. He said he ate a chicken burger, "...And I liked it." --That makes it official...every day there is at least one choice of food Kaden will eat. Being in school now, there is a noticable new appreciation for his toys. He wants to play with them in the morning and all evening. He still wants to play Mario too. But we've never seen him love his toys more.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

First Day of School

"Now I look like Nick."

The first day of school = Kindergarten
The 2nd day of school = 1st Grade
3rd day = 2nd Grade
...And so on.
(Kaden seems to be under the impression that each day of school, he advances another grade.) He greeted his teacher with a "smile" on his first day of school.

Kids Club: Fun & Fitness

Playing with Mama at the Kids Club. So much fun!