Saturday, September 13, 2008

First Homework Assignment

Here's Kaden 1st Homework assignment, sent home this Friday. He worked on it today.
And here is his first progress report.

He had a great first week of school. He said, "My teacher wrote my name on a paper and then put glue, and I glued beans to it." --I haven't seen it yet, but he was pretty excited about it. Kaden's "TA Day" is on September 30th. That means he'll be the Teacher's Assistant all day long. And he'll get to share something about himself that day too. He ate hot lunch at school all week. He said he ate a chicken burger, "...And I liked it." --That makes it official...every day there is at least one choice of food Kaden will eat. Being in school now, there is a noticable new appreciation for his toys. He wants to play with them in the morning and all evening. He still wants to play Mario too. But we've never seen him love his toys more.

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