Tuesday, January 20, 2009

K-1 Winter Music Program

Kaden's Winter Music Program had been scheduled for December, but was cancelled due to the snow. They rescheduled the program for tonight and Kaden actually sang. A little surprising, since most of the time when they have a Primary program, he just stands there and smiles.

Below is a short video clip of the performance. Kaden is our little "class clown". Sorry for the quality of filming. We were sitting toward the back and with the camera on zoom, you really need a tripod to steady it, plus I moved the camera, in the middle, to try and get a better shot. ---But I think you'll still be able to see how cute Kaden was performing.

Kaden made it to the "Writing Wall" at school. Out side of the gym, each month, they post examples of work from students that did a great job in writing that month, and here's Kaden's piece. Notice how his name is spelled? Kaden M O. He's really into his whole name right now. So I guess he wanted to fit he middle initial in there too.
This is a picture of Kaden with his friend Alex. He loves Alex and every day after school, he always wants to hug him before we leave.

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