Monday, January 21, 2013

New Year, New School

 January 2, 2013
Due to an enormous work load and other issues at the charter school.  We decided it was in the boys best interest to move them to the elementary school at the end of Christmas Break.
Here's Kaden on his way out the door for his first day at the new school.
He has 2 friends from primary that are in his new class.  And he's happy to now wear whatever he wants, as their is no dress code.  
Plus, he can quite often complete most of his homework before he leaves school.  So he is no longer having to spend most of the night working on his homework.
When I arrived at school to pick the boys up, they begged to walk home from school.  The new school is now less than a mile away and they love to walk home from school with their friends.

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