Saturday, May 25, 2013

Boys Party!

 May 25, 2013 
The boys really wanted a Halo cake for their birthday.
So I found an awesome Halo set and made them a cake.
Kaden was so excited!
 At their party, they had a marshmallow war outside (Kaden's idea), ran a race trying to keep "yoshi eggs" on a spoon and had a contest to see who could keep their balloon in the air the longest.
--All Kaden approved games, by-the-way.  All the other games he says are "uncool".
 Cake time!
 Everyone had a turn striking at the pinata...and then, we let Kaden deliver the final blow, blindfold-free.

 The boys with all their friends.
Back row L to R:
Mason, Bea, Ruth, Linden, Rich, Kaden
Front row L to R:
Erika, Megan, Paxton, George, Versii, Bex
 Kids always love a silly picture.
 Their friends Megan and Erika brought them Tagamoto car and track sets.  They love them!
 Kaden and his friend, Rich, playing in their self-made balloon pit.
After the party, the boys wanted to play video games.
They had so much fun celebrating with their friends!

Stuart Little

 May 24, 2013
We went out to Oregon City High School production of Stuart Little, to see Kaden's cousin Chris perform.
 Waiting for the show to start.
Chris to the tall one in yellow, playing Dr. Carey.
When asked who was his favorite character, Kaden said, " Naturally it's Dr. Carey, the one Chris played!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Birthday Package from the Burtons

May 20, 2013 
Kaden opening his birthday package from the Burtons...
...over FaceTime.  Technology is great! 
 Hmmm...a cd?
Figuring out it is a Bon Jovi cd!  
 Acting silly!
Thanks Gammey, Papa, Mazie, Rolley and Tanner!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Double Digits

May 20, 2013 
Happy 10th Birthday Kaden!
The boys waiting for their big group gift.
(Eyes closed, due to the awesome wrapping job, 
a plastic bag.)
XBox Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2013!
 Kaden opening his gifts, this morning before school.
(Which then he said he was too sick to go to.
The boys came down with colds overnight.)
Nano cars, colored smoke bombs and Halo 4.

Kaden's super excited about this birthday, because he is 
now "double-digits"!

And he has grown 2 and 3/8 inches this past year.
He is officially 4 foot 8.

For his birthday dinner: 
"Breakfast: eggs, bacon and sausage and watermelon!"
And instead of birthday cake: Brownies!

Taking his time to make a wish...
...pausing to imagine it coming true
 ...and making it happen!

 Smoke bombs with Dad.
We'll be having a big party this Saturday, with friends to celebrate all the boys birthdays!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Sunny Sprinkler Weather

 April 24, 2013
The first day it was hot enough for the kids to ask to run through the sprinklers.
They love playing with all the neighbor kids.

 Kaden calls this filtered photo, 
"the dream phase".
 The kids all lined up ready to jump!
(L to R: Bea, Versii, Kaden, Paxton, Ryan, Ruth and Harold)

Monster Truck Obsession

  April 17, 2013
Mom and the boys and I went to see the Monster truck "Obsession".  They were each able to climb up inside and sit in the driver's seat.  Although all the boys loved the truck, only Kaden really enjoyed being inside.

 Kaden wanted a picture sitting up on the wheel.
 ...And hanging down off the bar.
Here Versii is pointing out to Kaden that "this truck is a fake because it doesn't have real lights.  They're just stickers!"