Saturday, May 25, 2013

Boys Party!

 May 25, 2013 
The boys really wanted a Halo cake for their birthday.
So I found an awesome Halo set and made them a cake.
Kaden was so excited!
 At their party, they had a marshmallow war outside (Kaden's idea), ran a race trying to keep "yoshi eggs" on a spoon and had a contest to see who could keep their balloon in the air the longest.
--All Kaden approved games, by-the-way.  All the other games he says are "uncool".
 Cake time!
 Everyone had a turn striking at the pinata...and then, we let Kaden deliver the final blow, blindfold-free.

 The boys with all their friends.
Back row L to R:
Mason, Bea, Ruth, Linden, Rich, Kaden
Front row L to R:
Erika, Megan, Paxton, George, Versii, Bex
 Kids always love a silly picture.
 Their friends Megan and Erika brought them Tagamoto car and track sets.  They love them!
 Kaden and his friend, Rich, playing in their self-made balloon pit.
After the party, the boys wanted to play video games.
They had so much fun celebrating with their friends!

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