Sunday, September 22, 2013

Fort Vancouver

 September 14, 2013
We took the boys up to Historic Fort Vancouver.
 They were having a special event called "Campfires and Candlelight".
 When you step foot inside the fort walls, you are taken back to September 14, 1846...where actors are in full character: speaking, dressing and working as they did 167 years ago.
Kaden and the cannon! 
 We visited the blacksmith, the bakery, the kitchen, the Captain's Quarters, the fur trade shop, and the jail.
 Back in those days, hitting, kicking or biting, among the more serious crimes could get you thrown in jail.  A one-room building where you would be shackled and left in the dark, with only bread and water...and likely only a bucket for a bathroom.  That's right, the stench in there, on top of the darkness would have been extremely unpleasant...Kaden was trying to make his best scared face for the camera.

School Work

 September 13, 2013
Kaden's self portrait made from colored paper.
He did such a great job!
And "The Successful Kaden"
He thought of all the cleanliness details.
And I love that he even drew hair all over his legs.

All About Me...

September 2013
Kaden saw me making up this "All About Me..." questionnaire for my Young Women's girls and he instantly wanting to fill one out himself.  

Here are his questions and answers, in case you cannot read them:
1. Born: Flagstaff, AZ
2. Hair: orangish, blondish, light brownish
 . Eye color: Hazel
3. Best part of me: hands and thumbs
4. One word that describes you: Imaginative
5. Scary Movie or Happy Ending: Scary Movie
6. Dream job: Video Game Technician (tester)
7. Furthest you've been from home: Mexico
8. A place you'd like to visit: Australia
9. Special Talent: Climbing well
10. Collect anything: Video games (Halo [All])
11. Something you'd like to learn: Computer Science
12. Something you can not live without: family
(Reading number 12 made my heart melt!  Loved seeing that he put "Family")
13. Food: Spaghetti
14. Candy: Licorice, baby bottle pop, sour patch and juicy drop pop
16. Ice Cream: Mint Chocolate Chip
17. Restaurant: Wendy's 
18. Color: Pink
19. Animal: Dog
22. TV Show: Wipeout
25. Flower: Rose
30. Subject to study in school: Math
31. Time of day: Afternoon
32. Time of the year: Winter
33. Thing to do: video games
34. Scripture or scripture story: 1st Nephi
35. Game: New Super Mario Bros. Wii and Halo
36. Quote or saying: "Oooohhhh yyyeeeaaahhhhh!"

Kids Club Kids!

September 9, 2013
Our boys love Kids Club, so we decided it would be fun to take Ashlyn and Austin there too!
The kids had a blast, as they almost had the whole place to themselves.

Regatta Park

 September 8, 2013
Playing at Regatta Park on Devil's Lake.
Such a beautiful park!
Walking along the beach one last time before we left for home.

Beach Trip

 September 7, 2013 
Kaden's Aunt Julie and cousins flew up to Oregon for a surprise visit.  So all decided to go over to the beach.
We stopped at his Great Aunt and Uncle's house for lunch first.
Kaden with his brothers and cousins Ashlyn and Austin.
 All set to hike down to the beach.
Our first time at Neskowin Beach.
It was the perfect beach and perfect day to be there.
It was sunny with a light breeze, with a river on one side and the rolling waves on the other.
 Kaden dug right into the sand!

 Kaden digging a hole to be buried in.
 Love this picture!
 Kaden and Ashlyn had the best time together.

Swimming at the hotel pool.
(I'll a short video as soon as I get it uploaded.)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

1st Day of 5th Grade

 September 3, 2013
Kaden's first day as a 5th Grader!
This is his last year in elementary school.
A quick shot of Kaden in his classroom, when no one was there.


 August 31, 2013
Kaden's No. 1 favorite thing to do: SWIMMING!
It was a beautiful sunny day
and we pretty much had the whole pool to ourselves.
He looks so silly in this tiny life jacket, but he really wanted to test what it would do in the water.

Inflatable Kingdom

 August 30, 2013
Inflatable Kingdom!
This is one of the boys favorite places to go!


 August 28, 2013
Surprise fun at Playdate PDX.

Mario Art

 August 25, 2013
Kaden's latest artwork. 
Lately, Kaden's been using little figures as a drawing reference.  He's really start to draw more. 

Kids Club

 August 24, 2013
Family fun in Washington
We took the boys up to Kids Club Fun & Fitness.
It's a huge indoor playground that the boys love!
 Dinner and ice cream at DQ.
Kaden always wants a mint oreo blizzard.
 Playing at the park.
Tree climbing.