Sunday, September 22, 2013

Fort Vancouver

 September 14, 2013
We took the boys up to Historic Fort Vancouver.
 They were having a special event called "Campfires and Candlelight".
 When you step foot inside the fort walls, you are taken back to September 14, 1846...where actors are in full character: speaking, dressing and working as they did 167 years ago.
Kaden and the cannon! 
 We visited the blacksmith, the bakery, the kitchen, the Captain's Quarters, the fur trade shop, and the jail.
 Back in those days, hitting, kicking or biting, among the more serious crimes could get you thrown in jail.  A one-room building where you would be shackled and left in the dark, with only bread and water...and likely only a bucket for a bathroom.  That's right, the stench in there, on top of the darkness would have been extremely unpleasant...Kaden was trying to make his best scared face for the camera.

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