Wednesday, October 23, 2013

General Conference Treats

 October 6, 2013
At our house, we've found that fun snacks help the boys listen during General Conference.  We put each snack in a bowl and label it with a word they might hear during the talks.  (i.e. Faith, Jesus Christ, Spirit, Amen)  When they hear the word, they get to eat one snack from the bowl.  They love it and it helps keep them engaged...that and the coloring.  

Kaden's finished art.
I have to say, in between Sunday's morning and afternoon conferences, I had a conversation with Kaden about video games.  He sometimes is under the impression that his sole purpose in life is to play video games.  That's what he loves!  So he finds it difficult to understand why we don't let him play all the time.  I started explaining about the purpose of life and that playing video games isn't bad, it's just that we could be doing things more worth while.
--Anyway, the younger boys went outside to play during the 2nd session, but Kaden stayed inside and sat on the couch next to me.  Then Elder Quentin L Cook gave his talk "Beware of Bondage".  As he's speaking about addictions and how we spend our time he said this:

"Second, some addictions or predilections, while not inherently evil, can use up our precious allotment of time which could otherwise be used to accomplish virtuous objectives. These can include excessive use of social media, video and digital games, sports, recreation, and many others." 

As soon as he spoke it, I turned and smiled at Kaden...and he gave me a little smirk.  It's always neat when it seems like personal insight is spoken directly to you.

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