Saturday, May 17, 2014

First Scout Campout

May 16, 2014
Kaden all ready to leave on his first Scout Campout.

Although we haven't moved yet, we have talked to the Scout Leader in our new ward in Camas and we will be taking Kaden to scouts out there.  They invited him to join the boys on their campout, since he's almost 11.  He was really excited!  --They hiked up to the top of Beacon Rock and Kaden said the views were awesome!  And then they hiked back down, roasted hot dogs and set up camp.  He camped in a tent with 3 other boys.  He said they were up until midnight snacking and chatting.  He had a great time getting to know some new friends!

Kado's Stomp Performance

Kaden's class performing their student designed Stomp routine, called "Crazy Classroom"
Kaden had told us he would be in the back, but as it turned out he ended up being right in the front row.

(Apologies for the video quality and the few seconds of jumbled Paxton tried to move my phone while I filmed.)

Lawn Boy

May 3, 2014
This cute green guy mowed the lawn at our new house for us.  We've been paying him an allowance to help out with different jobs while working at our house.  The grass was really long, so he had a tough job.  --He's not big on smiling for photos lately, but when requested to smile, he said, "I'll only smile if you tell me when we're leaving."  

Final Fun Run!

 May 1, 2014 - Kaden's final Fun Run
His goal: 15 laps
Here's his starting sprint on a hot sunny morning.
We had a high of 89 that day.
 These two were leading the pack, by several feet...coming around on the first lap.
 Kaden with his little brother, Paxton, trying to catch up with him (the little guy in the turquoise shirt).  He had no idea Pax had started running behind him.
 Kaden coming in for his final lap.
He ran a total of 14 laps!  
That's 3.5 miles!
Enjoying a drink of water with his friend Nate.
At their assembly on May 7, 2014, Kaden received the award for Top Boy Runner School Wide!  And his brother, Versii (on Kaden's right), won Top Boy Runner for 1st Grade with 10 laps!  Great job!

Kado's New Art

 April 24, 2014 
Kaden's latest "Minecraft" inspired drawings. 
April 27, 2014

Easter 2014

 April 20, 2014 - Happy Easter!  
Thanks Gammey & Papa for the basket of candy!

Not the Dentist!

 April 14, 2014
You can see Kaden opinion about the dentist in his expression.  He was less than thrilled to be there.
Showing off his clean teeth!
They said he's doing a great job with brushing, but he needs to be flossing every day.  He had 4 tiny cavities in between his teeth, that they said could only have been prevented from flossing.  2 of the cavities they're not planning to fill, as they said he will likely lose those teeth sometime this year.

New Glasses

April 4, 2014
Kaden had an eye appointment and needed a slightly increased prescription.  These are the new frames he picked out.  ---Although, the next day after he came home from school he was really upset and wanted to take his glasses back.  He broke out in tears as he explained that all the kids were making fun of how big they were and kept commenting on them.  He instantly wanted to take them back.  It was so sad to hear.  After we talked to him about it, he felt a lot better and decided to wear them a few more days before calling the eye doctor to see about exchanging them.  The next day the kids barely said anything and Kaden decided he wanted to keep them after all.

Great Wolf - Spring Break

 March 27, 2014
We took a family trip up to Great Wolf Lodge over Spring Break.  Kaden thoroughly enjoyed the water slides and video games.  At breakfast, the next morning, he said, "I wish we could just live here!"
 Desperately wishing for all this Minecraft stuff. 
Each of the boys were given a set of wolf ears at breakfast.  Kaden put them on and wore them the rest of the day...and into the night.  This is how I found him sleeping the first night after we came home.
...And he wore them every night for over a week.  
Although he called them his "fox ears" as he is a big fan of the song, "What Does the Fox Say?" 

Spring Conference

March 13, 2014 - Spring Conferences at school.
"Michael" AKA Kaden wants to be an artist when he is older. 
He is really starting to enjoy drawing.


 February 14, 2014
The boys showing off their new Valentine shirts from Mimi.
February 27, 2014
He won't be thrilled to find out that I've blogged about this, but Kaden getting older and got his first big zit...and he tried to pop it himself, which of course made it worse.  Luckily for him, it happened to be on the bridge of his nose and partially hidden under the frame of his glasses. He refused to smile during my documentation of this moment.