Saturday, May 17, 2014

Final Fun Run!

 May 1, 2014 - Kaden's final Fun Run
His goal: 15 laps
Here's his starting sprint on a hot sunny morning.
We had a high of 89 that day.
 These two were leading the pack, by several feet...coming around on the first lap.
 Kaden with his little brother, Paxton, trying to catch up with him (the little guy in the turquoise shirt).  He had no idea Pax had started running behind him.
 Kaden coming in for his final lap.
He ran a total of 14 laps!  
That's 3.5 miles!
Enjoying a drink of water with his friend Nate.
At their assembly on May 7, 2014, Kaden received the award for Top Boy Runner School Wide!  And his brother, Versii (on Kaden's right), won Top Boy Runner for 1st Grade with 10 laps!  Great job!

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