Sunday, June 8, 2008

Beverly Beach, Oregon - Uncle Darren's Wedding

My Uncle Darren got married on the beach. And I got to pick some seashells to take home. I picked 5, cause that's how old I am.
Beverly Beach, Oregon
I realised that this pail is "too heavy" when I fill it all the way up.

I had lots of fun playing "Chicken with the waves." One wave got me and I got all wet. My shoes still haven't dried yet.

I went slug hunting with all my "friends" (cousins). So awesome!
We went to Yaquina Bay Lighthouse.

And we watched fireworks from our hotel. I can't wait for 4th of July!
I had so much fun at the beach. I can't wait to go back.
I love you Mama.
I love you Gammey, Papa, Uncle Josh, Rolley, Tanner & Mazie.
Let's go to the beach sometime.

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