Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Day With Thomas

Wow, it's Thomas and Sir Topham Hatt!
Look at my James tattoo...he's my favorite right now because he's number 5, like me.

Thomas! I got to ride on the Thomas train.
Me and Thomas. We're friends.

The top video is me saying, "Go Thomas, Go!"
and the bottom one is just me being silly!
It was lots of fun to see Thomas and play with all the trains. But it was really hot! It was 99 degrees out yesterday! Sooooo hot!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kaden, I just talked to you on the phone and you are so grown-up. Are you getting so excited to go to kindergarten? Mazie will be in first grade and gets to eat lunch there. Her favorite part of school is recess. Your mama is so excited to come and see you next month and watch you walk into kindergarten all by yourself.
Mazie and I are getting in my car and driving all the way to GG's house, which is really far, but we will keep looking at your blog to see all the fun things you are doing. We will write you from GG's computer. If you want to talk to Mazie next week, call Gammey's cell phone, ok buddy?
I love you so much. You're still my favorite little man.

Kaden said...
