Sunday, August 24, 2008

Lady Bug Walk

This week we went to Whitaker Ponds for the LadyBug Walk. The kids get to borrow a ladybug backpack to use during the walk. Inside the bags are spoons for digging, little bug boxes, magnifying glasses and all sort of other things the kids may use to look at nature. Then a nature guide leads the little hike and teaches the kids all sorts of fun things.
Here's Kaden showing that the yellow square on his necklace matches the yellow dandelions.

Kaden had a lot of fun looking through the magnifying glass and digging in the dirt with the spoon.
You can't hear it, but here Kaden is singing the duck song with the teacher. "Seven little ducks go out to play, over the hill and far away..."
Kaden caught a potato bug in the bug box. He was so excited and when I was taking this picture he said, "Let's put this on my blog!"

"Watch out for the Sun Shade Monster." --That's what Kaden told the teacher. So funny! Such an imagination.

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